Balancing Creativity and Structure: Insights from CMS Kickoff 2024

Balancing Creativity and Structure: Insights from CMS Kickoff 2024

Jan 18, 2024
by jessicadunbar

Fresh from my drive back from the CMS Kickoff 2024, organized by the insightful folks at Boye & Company, and my mind is buzzing with a whirlwind of thoughts. As someone who's usually at the front of the room, sharing insights, it was a refreshing change of pace to be on the other side, soaking in the knowledge.

The conference also explored the evolving nature of CMS as a profession. It's fascinating how developers view content as mere data, while content professionals see it as a priceless asset. This underscores the growing need for specialized roles bridging the gap between these perspectives. And let's not forget the academic angle – the introduction of programs like the Masters in Content Strategy in Austria is a testament to the maturing field of content strategy.

The conference was an eye-opener in many ways, particularly in its focus on the future of content jobs. It's clear that we're pivoting from traditional content writing to roles deeply entrenched in content editing and governance. The fascinating emergence of roles like developers becoming AI Prompt trainers and CMS experts is a new era in our industry, where AI isn't just an add-on but a core component of our content strategies. 

Team Core Behaviors Johnson and Johnson.jpg


But here's where it gets really interesting: We're witnessing a seismic shift back to a content-driven web. Gone are the days when design ruled supreme; now, the tone and voice of your content are king and will drive purchases. 

  • Newer technologies can do a lot of the work for us, let it 
  • Focus energy on where you (and your team) add new value
  • Sharpen your team’s validating, editing, and fact -checking skills

Buried in Blocks: How Flexible CMS Page Builders Are Killing Your Team, and How to Save Them

Page Builders are a coping mechinism for uncertian requirements.jpgSource

Jeff's session on page builders particularly resonated with me. His discussion on the complexities these tools introduce in website migrations and updates highlighted a crucial point – the need for a careful balance between flexibility and structure. Having seen and taken part in the first evolution of drag-and-drop builders, and the painful migrations from 5.4. 5.6 and beyond - I found myself nodding in agreement with many of his points. 

However, I couldn't help but think about the inherent creativity of marketers – surely, there must be a way to integrate structured efficiency with the freedom of creative expression? 

Is the answer containers? Andy's innovation in creating containers presents a future-forward example of how structured reusable content, and creativity can coexist.

This session also deepened my understanding of: 

  • Content as a form of communication, emphasizing the importance of structured writing 
  • Generative AI is set to revolutionize not just how we personalize content, but also how we adapt and personalize design to meet diverse needs.

But perhaps the most striking thought I took away from the event is this: The web, once a pool of content, has morphed into a showcase of design. It's a reminder of the need for roles that can appreciate both the beauty of design and the power of content.

In essence, the CMS Kickoff 2024 wasn't just another conference; it was a call to embrace the evolving landscape of content management. It's a world where AI shapes our strategies, where the tone of our content speaks louder than its design, and where the role of a content professional is more vital than ever. As I reflect on the event, I'm excited about the future – a future where content isn't just written but where every word is a stroke of strategic genius. 

Here's to the exciting journey ahead in the ever-dynamic of the web!


  1. Hero image - Janus Boye. (2024). CMS Kickoff 2024 Roundtable. Retrieved from 
  2. Jeff Eaton. (2024). CMS Kickoff 2024: Buried In Blocks [PDF file]. Retrieved from
  3. Becky Brown, Content Strategy Lead & David Rasmussen, Conversational Design Lead at Johnson & Johnson. (2024). JJCMS Kickoff Document [PDF file]. Retrieved from
  4. Brian Browning. (2024). Real-World GenAI Use Cases [PDF file]. Retrieved from

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