Ways to Contribute to FOSS Beyond Development

Ways to Contribute to FOSS Beyond Development

Apr 25, 2023
by jessicadunbar

Did you know that 80% of IT leaders expect to increase their use of enterprise open source software for emerging technologies? This means that the demand for skilled professionals who can contribute to FOSS in non-development ways will continue to rise.

Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is an increasingly important part of the technology landscape, offering access to powerful software tools and applications that are free to use, modify, and share. While many people assume that contributing to FOSS is limited to developers, there are many ways to contribute to FOSS beyond development that are just as valuable and important. In this blog post, we will explore some of the ways that non-developers can make a valuable contribution to FOSS. Whether you are a designer, content creator, marketer, translator, or simply passionate about FOSS, there are many ways to get involved and make a difference. So let's dive in and explore some of the ways that you can contribute to FOSS beyond development!

Misconception that FOSS contribution is limited to developers

One common misconception about FOSS is that contribution is limited to developers. While developers play a crucial role in the development and maintenance of FOSS, there are many other ways to contribute. Non-developers can make valuable contributions to FOSS in areas such as documentation, translation, design, testing, support, and marketing.

Lets Explore ways non-developers can contribute.


In the FOSS community, documentation is particularly important because it can help attract and retain users. Since FOSS projects are often developed and maintained by volunteers, clear and comprehensive documentation can make it easier for new users to get started and for existing users to continue using the software. Great documentation can also reduce the burden on developers, as users can often find answers to their questions without needing to contact developers directly.

There are many ways to contribute to documentation for FOSS projects. Some examples include:

  • Writing or updating user guides, manuals, or tutorials
  • Creating video or audio tutorials
  • Translating documentation into other languages
  • Organizing and maintaining documentation libraries
  • Tagging and Labeling 
  • Providing feedback on existing documentation to help identify areas for improvement

By contributing to documentation, non-developers can help make FOSS projects more accessible and user-friendly, while also reducing the burden on developers.


Another valuable way for non-developers to contribute to FOSS is by helping to translate software and documentation into different languages. FOSS is used all over the world, and providing translations can help make the software more accessible to non-English speaking users.

Translation is particularly important for FOSS projects that have a global user base. Without translations, users who speak different languages may struggle to understand the software, which can limit its adoption and use. Translations can also help to make FOSS more inclusive by providing access to software tools and applications to people who may not speak the language in which they were originally developed.

There are many ways to contribute to translation for FOSS projects. Some examples include:

  • Translating user interfaces, menus, and other software elements
  • Translating documentation, including user manuals and tutorials
  • Proofreading and editing existing translations
  • Translating websites
  • Providing feedback on the quality and accuracy of existing translations

By contributing to translation efforts, non-developers can help make FOSS projects more accessible and user-friendly to a wider audience. They can also help to ensure that translations are accurate and of high quality, which can improve the user experience for non-English speaking users.


Design is another important aspect of FOSS projects, as it can greatly impact the user experience and overall success of a project. Non-developers and developers with design skills can make valuable contributions to FOSS by creating or improving user interfaces, icons, logos, and other design elements.


Great design can help make FOSS projects more accessible and user-friendly, which can increase adoption and usage. Design can also help to differentiate FOSS projects from proprietary software and make them more appealing to potential users. Additionally, design can play a role in branding and marketing FOSS projects, helping to create a distinctive identity and build a community around the project.

There are many ways to contribute to design for FOSS projects. Some examples include:

  • Creating or improving user interfaces for software applications
  • Designing icons and other graphics used in the software
  • Creating or improving logos and other branding elements for the project
  • Providing feedback on the user experience and design of existing FOSS projects
  • Creating or contributing to design standards or guidelines for the project

By contributing to design efforts, non-developers can help make FOSS projects more user-friendly and visually appealing, while also helping to build a distinctive brand and identity for the project.


Providing support is another important way for non-developers to contribute to FOSS projects. Support can come in many forms, from answering user questions to moderating forums and online communities.

Support is essential for the success of any software project, as it helps users overcome obstacles and continue to use the software effectively. In the case of FOSS, support is often provided by volunteers who have experience using the software and are willing to help others. Providing support can help to build a strong user community around a FOSS project, which can increase its adoption and usage.

There are many ways to contribute to support for FOSS projects. Some examples include:

  • Answering user questions on forums and online communities
  • Moderating forums and online communities
  • Creating and maintaining documentation for support issues
  • Providing feedback on the quality and effectiveness of existing support materials
  • Providing training or tutorials for users who need additional help

By contributing to support efforts, non-developers can help build a strong user community around a FOSS project and make it more accessible and user-friendly for everyone. Providing support can also help to reduce the burden on developers, allowing them to focus on other important aspects of the project.


Marketing is an often overlooked but important aspect of FOSS projects. Marketing can also help to build a strong user community around the project, which can increase its adoption and usage over time. Without effective marketing, even the best FOSS projects may struggle to gain traction and reach their full potential.

There are many ways to contribute to marketing for FOSS projects. Some examples include:

  • Writing blog posts or articles about the project
  • Write reviews on websites like G2 or Capterra to help increase its visibility and credibility.
  • Sharing information about the project on social media and other online platforms
  • Creating and distributing marketing materials, such as flyers, posters, or brochures
  • Hosting webinars or other events to showcase the project
  • Creating case studies or success stories that highlight how the project has benefited users
  • Attend, host, and present at webinars, conferences and events

By contributing to marketing efforts, non-developers can help raise awareness of FOSS projects and attract new users to the community. They can also help to build a strong and engaged user community around the project, which can increase its success over time.


Testing is an essential aspect of FOSS projects, as it helps ensure the quality and reliability of the software. Non-developers can also make valuable contributions to testing efforts by using the software and reporting any bugs or issues they encounter.

Application testing helps identify and fix bugs and ensure that the software is functioning as intended. In the case of FOSS projects, testing is often carried out by volunteers who have experience using the software and are willing to help identify issues and provide feedback. Without testing, FOSS projects may be prone to errors or malfunctions, which can limit their adoption and use.

There are many ways to contribute to testing for FOSS projects. Some examples include:

  • Using the software and reporting any bugs or issues encountered
  • Participating in beta testing or user testing sessions
  • Providing feedback on the user experience and usability of the software
  • Creating or improving testing scripts and procedures
  • Providing feedback on the quality and effectiveness of existing testing materials

By contributing to testing efforts, non-developers can help improve the quality and reliability of projects, making them more accessible and user-friendly for everyone. They can also help to identify and fix issues, which can improve the user experience and increase adoption of the software.


Contributing to FOSS in these areas can help make software tools and applications more accessible, user-friendly, and reliable. By choosing a FOSS project to contribute to, finding opportunities to contribute, and following some tips for getting started, anyone can make a valuable contribution to the FOSS community.

We hope this post has inspired you to get involved in contributing to FOSS, no matter what your background or skillset may be. By working together, we can help build better software tools and applications that are accessible to everyone.

Red Hat. (2022). State of enterprise open source report 2022. Retrieved from https://www.redhat.com/en/resources/state-of-enterprise-open-source-report-2022