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Sep 20, 2011, 6:18 PM

Date: Wednesday October 12th
Time: 7pm onwards
Venue: Phoenix Square, Leicester, LE1 1TG

More info...

Aug 6, 2011, 12:18 PM

Ryan just posted the current development version of the wordpress site importer to github:

When this is ready for showtime it'll be a free add-on.
This was originally written by ScottC, then GregJoyce picked it up at concrete5. It's status is described in the README in the code, but it basically works, even with really large imports, but it's formatting is a bit rough and the data that's imported is not complete.

If anyone has energy to put into it it'd be much appreciated.

Aug 5, 2011, 4:27 PM

Love concrete5 but haven't told everyone you know about it? Well let these awesome T-Shirts do the job for you.

Jul 18, 2011, 5:54 PM

Versions of concrete5 feature rudimentary anti-spam tools, including an IP ban-list and captcha support, but no unified settings page for managing these items. Furthermore, there is no support for any captcha besides the SecureImage library, which is a bit long in the tooth (and somewhat ineffective), nor is there any support for a third party anti-spam service like Typepad Anti-Spam or Akismet. We would like to change this in concrete5 5.5.

Jul 18, 2011, 5:35 PM

While concrete5 can support multiple authentication methods, and has built-in support for OpenID (in addition to the core concrete5 authentication method), there's no framework for building these authentication methods, making their settings available to administrators in the dashboard, grouping them on a login page or managing which authentication methods are available or how they are displayed. The Authentication Framework will change that.

Jul 7, 2011, 5:29 PM

Folks have been able to run sites with multiple languages by hand since the get-go, but these new changes will make it far easier to run a multi-lingual site in the future.

Jul 6, 2011, 2:35 PM

As concrete5 continues to grow, our organization and roles are changing. When we started, it was just a couple of guys in their basement and a half a dozen sites using the software. Today there are 65,161 users on More than 130,000 unique sites that have hit our servers for update information. 65,448 sites have connected to and made project pages.

Apr 19, 2011, 4:24 PM

WD182_Small.jpgconcrete5 seems to be getting very popular in the UK. We just saw a cover article in Web Designer magazine and we're super excited!

We're trying to get some local concrete5 user groups started in the UK, and we thought we'd ask you for your help. If you live in the UK and would like to get more involved with concrete5 professionals in your neck of the woods can you speak up in our new UK forums?

Apr 18, 2011, 6:31 PM

c5book.pngAre you already comfortable with PHP and just need a good developer focused beginner's guide? Check out this awesome book from Packt Publishing on concrete5!

We're super excited to see it out, and we know it's going to help a lot of people learn concrete5 a lot faster.

Apr 14, 2011, 4:36 PM

For this week's Totally Random live video show, Andrew's out of town, so we're bringing in JordanLev to talk about his Designer Content Block.. Here's some background: