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Nov 14, 2008, 12:17 PM
It's a shameful secret: one of those most highly viewed areas of wasn't powered by concrete at all! You know those help and news sections on the front page of the C5 dashboard? Those were powered by an RSS feed, provided by a blog living at, which was built out of Wordpress. Not so any longer! Now, those live at our [update center](, where they will be much more closely integrated with the site. They'll be searchable through, and your user account can make comments on them as well as the forums, with one centralized login.

Nov 5, 2008, 7:02 PM

Well Gang,

We're gonna go off topic a bit here, but it's my right to rant. This is the first day I have ever truly felt proud to be from the United States of America. When I was in high-school, forming my view of the world, we were in the first Iraq war which I could see even then was an Oil rush, not a moral issue. If you've read much of the philosophical rants here, you know I've got no love for authority, so I really had nothing much positive to say about my country. When I saw the stars and stripes fluttering in the wind, all I really saw was hypocrisy and a new form of corporate colonial abuse around the world. Certainly the last 8 years have been beyond embarrassing.

While 9/11 was certainly a horrible event, to have the response be a declared war on a tactic and a general closing down of the communication process is inexcusable. To let it fester for a second term was beyond depressing. I find myself in Portland, Oregon frequently only surrounded by people with a similar world view so to be part of a country that seemed to be so wholly missing the point was horrible. I wondered if our system was truly broken beyond repair. I wondered if our international reputation was broken beyond repair. I wondered if this was a place I wanted to raise my family.

Last night I became a new man. We had all heard the polls, we all had given our time and money to Barack, but still we all assumed McCain would win in some inexplicable evil way. Maybe Diebold would just hand him the vote, maybe there really were millions of closet racists as the media kept implying with the "Bradley Effect" who knew, but the seldom voiced opinion of all of my friends was "snowball's chance in hell" that a man named Barack Hussein Obama would be our President. But.. Amazingly..

He DOMINATED.. 2:1 in the electoral college!! took ALL of the battle ground states none of this waiting around for a week while the lawyers hash it out we knew while still having an after dinner drink! It was a clear and total victory and I couldn't be prouder.

I feel like we just made a stronger move in the "war on terror" with that one vote than we did in the 8 years of that cowboy dicking around. I feel like if I were to be on an international tour, I'd be PROUD to have an American Flag on my backpack because we may not be perfect (my God that's clear) but we're able to do a 180 degree switch and elect a black man with the middle name of Hussein to the most powerful job in the world. "Give us your tired, your poor" because you TRULY can make something of yourself here. This country is NOT just a good-ol-boys network and we're NOT Rome falling to chaos the best truly IS yet to come and it's going to make the WHOLE WORLD a better place.

Ya know I got truly excited about Barack almost 2 years ago now when I read a New Yorker article detailing his most enduring trait the inherent ability to be a diplomat. Take two people with completely different views on something, accept that there is no "us and them" no "good and evil", but rather help them find common ground and a new understanding about how we all can get along. Its about communication and I believe that through open communication we can solve everything and anything. Frankly, I wouldn't have chosen to give away c5 for nothing if I didn't deeply believe that. Freedom of expression is freedom.

I honestly believe Barack Obama IS empathy and communication incarnate. I don't think it's gonna be easy, and I'm sure he's gonna make us all work hard for it, but get ready for some actual thoughtful, deliberate, caring understanding and bridge building from your friends in the good old U, S of fuckin A.

PS: sorry about the last 8 years again.. uhh. mulligan?

PPS: I'd love to hear from our international friends as I know c5 is used as much out of the states as in em..

Nov 1, 2008, 1:00 PM

The Concrete5 community is an excellent place to go to get answers to your C5 questions.

Make sure to check out the forums for answers as well. They are all individual searchable, and can be easily monitored so you know when people respond to your posts.

Oct 30, 2008, 11:00 PM

We've added a lot to in the last few weeks, including bug and feature trackers, and our own forums, where you can get paid to help!

You can check them out at

Oct 30, 2008, 6:14 PM

Well, we've been talking about our community marketplace for weeks now, and the first step is finally complete. We reorganized, buffed out the documentation features, added a job board, built out forums even added a bounties forum where you can get paid to help on the project.

This just the beginning of new stuff you'll be seeing on in the coming weeks. There will be a large theme library, a blocks and applications marketplace, and much more. Right now we need your help buffing out the content in forums and giving us any feedback you can.

Check it out!

Oct 16, 2008, 6:11 PM

We just got lucky enough to get another interview! is a good looking site that I had never run into before they linked to us. You should check them out.

Oct 3, 2008, 6:27 PM

Yeah that's right. C5 rocks so amazingly hard that SourceForge decided to make us Project of The Month after only being on their site for 3 months! We've always thought of source forge as the Rolling Stone of open source so we took some liberties with our photos

Check out the whole article here!

Yay, THANK YOU SourceForge

Sep 30, 2008, 11:30 AM


Attention Developers: we now have full API documentation available, as output by PHPDocumentor.

It's far from finished: it needs to be tidied up, better organized, and much of the code isn't well documented in the comments. However, hopefully it will be a useful starting point, and should grow over time.

We're still hoping to add some tutorials soon, specifically for those interested in how to use C5's model-view-controller syntax to build applications that make use of multiple block and page types.


Sep 27, 2008, 6:08 PM

you gotta see it, particularly the flash demo.

be a pal and pay us to host your site

Sep 14, 2008, 6:04 PM

Mark Moore says:

"Thanks for letting me play with C5 at OSCON. How many people did you meet that week? YIKES!!! I switched over from Drupal to C5 within a day. I am loving it! Thanks a bunch for the demo."

Here's his bike which looks equally fast oh wait, what's that on the front? Guess we're not the only ones who love c5, that's an awfully nice lookin' machine!

thanks Mark, you rock!

Want some c5 stickers and a multi-purpose "concrete5″ screwdriver too? Just drop us a line with your address. Stick your sticker somewhere equally cool, and send us a picture.