Looking for Happeo Alternatives? Explore Other Internal Communications Platforms

Looking for Happeo Alternatives? Explore Other Internal Communications Platforms

May 23, 2023
by jessicadunbar

If you've been using Happeo but are interested in exploring other options, this blog post is for you. In this article, we'll explore different platforms that can serve as alternatives to Happeo. We'll discuss their features, benefits, and how they may better align with your organization's needs. Whether you require improved collaboration tools, scalability, or specific customization options, this guide will assist you in making an informed decision.

With so many options available, it can be challenging to choose the right platform. By considering alternatives, you may discover a solution that enhances your communication efforts even further.

Understanding the Limitations of Happeo

Happeo offers several features and functionalities as an internal communications platform. However, it's important to recognize its limitations, which may prompt users to seek alternatives. Let's explore these limitations:

Limited Page Layout Flexibility and Missing Widgets

Users have found Happeo's page layouts to be less flexible, and some commonly used widgets, such as accordions, are missing. This restricts the ability to create visually diverse and appealing page designs.

Inability to Configure Sorting of Channels and Pages

Happeo lacks the option to configure how channels and pages should be sorted. This can make organizing and navigating through content challenging, hindering effective communication.

Mobile App Limitations

Happeo's mobile app has limitations compared to the desktop version. Users have reported that the mobile app only allows access to channels, while pages are not accessible. Additionally, there have been issues with permissions related to Google accounts, causing inconvenience for users who need to access Happeo on multiple devices.

User Interface and Customization Challenges

Some users have found Happeo's user interface confusing and not intuitive. Navigating the platform can be slow and cumbersome, impacting user experience. Users have suggested improving the user interface and providing more predefined page design templates for easier customization.

Limited Customization Options

Users have expressed dissatisfaction with the limited customization options for channels and pages. This can hinder teamwork and limit the ability to create visually appealing and personalized content.

Learning Curve

Depending on users' familiarity with similar platforms, Happeo's interface and functionality may have a learning curve. This can affect user adoption and overall efficiency during the transition phase.

User Engagement

Some users have noted that Happeo lacks engagement, as it is not a platform that is used continuously throughout the workday. This can result in missed communications and difficulties in getting users to actively participate on the platform.

Functionality and Feature Requests

Users have expressed the desire for additional functionality within Happeo, such as scheduling posts, more creative freedom in designing pages, embedded video options, and an integrated birthday system. They have also suggested improvements in usability and search functionality.

Understanding these limitations and user concerns can help organizations evaluate whether Happeo meets their specific communication and customization needs or if exploring alternative platforms would be more suitable.

Factors to Consider When Exploring Alternatives

When searching for alternative internal communications platforms, several factors should be considered to ensure you find the right fit for your organization. Here are key factors to keep in mind:

Ease of Use

Look for a platform that is user-friendly and intuitive, allowing employees to quickly adapt. Consider the learning curve associated with the new platform and how well it aligns with your team's technical proficiency.

Communication and Collaboration Features

Assess the platform's capabilities for communication and collaboration. Look for features such as chat functionalities, project management tools, document sharing, and real-time collaboration options. Consider how these features align with your organization's specific communication needs and workflow requirements.

Integration Capabilities

Evaluate how well the platform integrates with other tools and systems used within your organization. Seamless integration with existing tools like project management software, document sharing platforms, or customer relationship management (CRM) systems can enhance productivity and streamline workflows.

Scalability and Customization Options

Consider the platform's scalability to accommodate your organization's growth. Evaluate whether it can handle an increasing number of users, data storage requirements, and performance demands. Additionally, assess the platform's customization options to ensure it can be tailored to your specific branding and design preferences.

Mobile App Functionality

If mobile access is essential for your organization, evaluate the mobile app functionality offered by alternative platforms. Consider whether the mobile app provides access to all necessary features, allows for seamless communication, and supports a smooth user experience on different devices.

Security and Data Privacy

Prioritize platforms that prioritize robust security measures and ensure data privacy. Look for features like encryption, user access controls, and compliance with industry standards (such as GDPR) to protect sensitive information and maintain confidentiality.

By considering these factors, you can effectively evaluate alternative internal communications platforms and choose the one that best aligns with your organization's communication needs, usability preferences, scalability requirements, and security standards.

Concrete CMS: A Promising Alternative

One alternative internal communications platform is Concrete CMS. It focuses on delivering exceptional experiences and clear communication within organizations. Here are some key features and benefits of Concrete CMS:

Personalize Experiences

Concrete CMS allows organizations to deliver exceptional experiences to employees by tailoring content and news based on user roles. This ensures that employees receive relevant and targeted information, fostering engagement and alignment.

Communicate with Clarity

With Concrete CMS, organizations can target and distribute news to the right people, establishing a single source of truth for important company announcements and initiatives. The platform enables tracking engagement, providing insights into who has seen what and when.

Reduce Friction

Concrete CMS enables seamless communication by reaching employees through their preferred channels. It simplifies access to other systems from one central place, eliminating the need for employees to navigate multiple platforms. This facilitates engagement among all teams, regardless of their location.

Reach Employees Anywhere

Concrete CMS is designed with a mobile-first approach, ensuring that employees can access internal communications from anywhere. It offers engaging newsletters and digests with drag-and-drop templates, as well as appealing news feeds.

Easy-to-Use CMS

Concrete CMS provides an intuitive and user-friendly content management system. It offers a wide variety of page layouts, templates for simplified content creation, and drag-and-drop design elements. No coding is required, making it accessible for users with varying technical expertise.

Security, Privacy & Compliance

Concrete CMS prioritizes enterprise-grade security, making it a trusted choice for Fortune 500 companies and the U.S. Government. It allows organizations to manage user permissions and confidentiality. The platform is ISO:27001, SOC 2, and HIPAA certified, ensuring compliance with industry standards.

Concrete CMS is a versatile alternative for organizations seeking to personalize experiences, communicate with clarity, and reach employees anywhere. Its easy-to-use CMS, robust security measures, and open-source nature make it a compelling choice for internal communications.

Microsoft SharePoint: Another Option

Microsoft SharePoint is a widely used alternative internal communications platform that offers simple sharing and seamless collaboration. It features dynamic and productive team sites, customization options, collaboration across devices, intranet solutions, and knowledge management capabilities. SharePoint integrates well with other Microsoft products, making it a popular choice for organizations seeking efficient and seamless internal communication.

Simplrr: Elevating Employee Experience

Simplrr is another alternative internal communications platform that focuses on elevating the employee experience and seamless connectivity. It offers features such as a cohesive culture, richer engagement, higher productivity, communication with clarity, and mobile accessibility. Simplrr aims to provide a personalized and curated digital workplace experience, ensuring employees feel connected, inspired, and supported.

Case Studies 

To gain insights into the experiences of organizations that have success from alternative platforms, here are some case studies:

Army Senior Executive Portal: Concrete CMS Case Study

Showcasing how the Army Senior Executive Portal improved internal communication and collaboration within the organization. 

Visit Army Senior Executive Portal Case Study

BASF: Concrete CMS Case Study

Highlighting how BASF utilized the platform to streamline communication, share resources, and foster collaboration. 

Visit BASF Case Study

Brand Central Case Study: Concrete CMS

Featuring Brand Central's experience in leveraging the platform to enhance internal communication and improve brand consistency.

Visit Brand Central Case Study

Home Depot: Concrete CMS Case Study

Illustrating how Home Depot transformed its internal communication practices and empowered employees with the Concrete CMS platform.

Visit Home Depot Case Study

By exploring these case studies, you can gain valuable insights into how alternative platforms have addressed the internal communication needs of various organizations.


In conclusion, finding the right internal communications platform is crucial for effective communication within your organization. By exploring alternative platforms to Happeo and considering factors such as ease of use, communication features, integration capabilities, scalability, and security, you can identify a platform that aligns with your specific needs.

Concrete CMS, Microsoft SharePoint, and Simplrr are three promising alternatives worth considering. Concrete CMS focuses on delivering exceptional experiences and clear communication, while Microsoft SharePoint offers simple sharing and seamless collaboration. Simplrr prioritizes elevating the employee experience and seamless connectivity.