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Apr 6, 2011, 10:32 AM

concrete5 is an emerging leader in next generation web content management. Written for the LAMP stack, Windows support has always been an afterthought for the core team. Now concrete5 works well with IIS and can be installed with one click from the Microsoft WebMatrix application.

"We've always picked Unix based plaftorms for our own web hosting" says Concrete CMS CTO Andrew Embler. "Now that concrete5 works well on IIS, we're ecstatic that a larger community of business customers will be able to take advantage of concrete5's easy approach to web content management, while staying on their Windows based server environment."

Database support for concrete5 is still limited to MySQL, although SQL Server support is currently being worked on.

You can review the concrete5 listing for Microsoft's WebMatrix installer in the Web App Gallery here:

concrete5 is an emerging leader in next generation web content management. Written for the LAMP stack, Windows support has always been an afterthought for the core team. Now concrete5 works well with IIS and can be installed with one click from the Microsoft WebMatrix application.

"We've always picked Unix based plaftorms for our own web hosting" says Concrete CMS CTO Andrew Embler. "Now that concrete5 works well on IIS, we're ecstatic that a larger community of business customers will be able to take advantage of concrete5's easy approach to web content management, while staying on their Windows based server environment."

Database support for concrete5 is still limited to MySQL, although SQL Server support is currently being worked on.

You can review the concrete5 listing for Microsoft's WebMatrix installer in the Web App Gallery here:

Feb 3, 2011, 3:43 PM

So Andrew was doing his promotional due diligence and suggested to one of the largest hosting providers out there that they add concrete5 to their 1-click installer. Next thing we knew we were part of a contest where Dreamhost customers voted for their favorite app. Imagine our excitement and surprise when we saw on twitter that we had won!??!?! This TOTALLY makes up for being picked last for basketball so many times in school!

It's really flattering to have an independent group of web-hosting professionals and savvy group of hosting customers give you a pat on the back. We really appreciate it, Andrew totally needed a new computer, and we've had a huge spike in traffic (over 10k visitors yesterday!) because of it.

Thank you Dreamhost, you rock.

Jan 21, 2011, 7:35 PM

We just brought the Karma system back with a new and improved approach. Now there's a pool of licenses and prizes are given out weekly from a pool we manage. No longer do you need to wait for us to render some weird video in Final Cut Pro - now you get a chance for winning each and every week.

Jan 12, 2011, 7:14 PM

Thank you so much for the great design work Clevyr!

There's a lot of features we have 90% done that we just couldn't figure out how to launch and test without getting the basic look and feel up first, so I don't want anyone thinking that we're done and heading off to Hawaii for a month. Basically we plan on updating at least once a week for the rest of the month until we've got everything just so.

Dec 29, 2010, 6:59 PM

Wow what a year 2010 has been!
We're super excited about 2011 and we thought it'd be nice to share some of our plans for the new year.

Dec 14, 2010, 5:25 PM

2010 Open Source CMS Market Share Report Lists concrete5 as Growing Fast

The Water and Stone annual Open Source CMS Market Share Report compares the players in the very crowded space of WCM and CMS with clear analytics. Last year concrete5 was not mentioned at all in the list, this year they are listed as one of just two systems to watch.

The report finds that concrete5 "showed the largest growth of any system in the Developer Support metric." The CMS also showed massive gains in search engine ranking and search interest, as well as a very popular project site. In summary, the report states:

"It has only been in the market in its present form since 2008. We feel the future looks bright for concrete5"

Read the full report here:

Dec 14, 2010, 5:23 PM is an independent group which is not affiliated with the core team behind concrete5 at all, and periodically undercuts the marketplace add-on price points dramatically.

We work with 3rd party developers who have approved add-ons in the marketplace and clump a bunch of software together into one big archive you can buy at an insane discount. (over 90% off!)

Check out their current deal >

Dec 7, 2010, 3:07 PM

Check out this Developer Intro how-to we just added with the lead developer behind MojorMotor.

Nov 11, 2010, 9:55 AM

concrete5 is a content management system beloved by small businesses for its ease of use and stable flexibility. The CMS was originally designed to be a toolbox for web design firms providing custom design work. Over time the toolset has become so easy to use that clients are building their own basic sites with little to no technical know-how, and they're buying more and more prebuilt themes to make their websites look great.

Oct 1, 2010, 5:24 PM

On September 30, 2008, concrete5 version 1.0 was officially released. Since we were exhibiting at OSCON that year in August, we had a few release candidates and some beta versions available beforehand, but this was our first public, committed, upgrade-ready version, just in time for concrete5 to be named SourceForge's Project of the Month for October, 2008.

That was a great honor. I started thinking, though: how many people checked out concrete5 when it was PotM, decided it might not fit their needs, and never looked back? And how many users of version 4 have never seen some of the more humble roots of concrete5? It's with that in mind that I mark this two-year anniversary with a screenshot and feature retrospective, comparing version 5.0.0 with the about-to-be-released 5.4.1. We've come a long way.

Read more and view screenshots at >